Sunday, June 14, 2020

June 14, 2020
Eid-ul-Adha 2020

It may be recalled that a few days ago, the Local Government Department had given permission to set up cattle markets in Sindh under SOPs.

A letter issued by the Local Government Department and Town Planning to the concerned authorities said that the notification issued on June 2 and 3 to allow cattle markets in the province to be set up under government SOPs is withdrawn.

Local Government Secretary Roshan Ali Sheikh said that the Local Government Department has withdrawn its recommendations regarding cattle markets and a letter has been written to the Home Department. He said that the local government department has recommended revocation of cattle market licenses.

Roshan Ali Sheikh said that in view of increasing cases of coronavirus in the province, cattle markets could not be allowed and therefore requested the Home Department to revoke all such permits. The Sindh Local Bodies Department had also prepared SOPs for cattle markets, according to which all town, municipal committees, district councils and municipal corporations were allowed to set up cattle markets. 

The Sindh government had said that according to SOPs: 
  • Two separate queues would be set up in the cattle market for buyers and two for traders.
  • It was made mandatory to maintain a social distance of 3 to 6 feet while buying and selling animals in the cattle market.
  • And it was also made mandatory for all citizens entering the market to wear masks.


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